Supporting the Next Generation of Marketers

About Meraki Marketing Learning Studio

‘Meraki’ is how we see the passion early-career marketers have for their personal development as a marketer, which we strive to support.

The Meraki Marketing Learning Studio offers online learning courses, training and coaching programs, to help marketers develop practical on-the-job marketing skills related to creating and developing experience brands, as well as guidance in career planning.

A sample of courses and programs include:

Get Ready to Lead - for managers in marketing wanting to prepare to step up a level

Showcase to Shine - for upcoming job interviews, learn how to ask insightful questions and answer questions to reveal your most relevant skills and experiences.

From Potential to Possible - learning how to set carer goals, evaluate your skills, determine marketing job and industry interests, and design a 3-step career journey so you have a career action plan.